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Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

How To Make Bakso [ Meat Ball ] Indonesian Traditional Food

Oke pemirsa , kali ini kami akan berbagi resep mengenai cara pembuatan bakso yang enak , lezat , special dan selau bikin ketagihan.
Oke untuk tahu lebih lanjut lagi, mari kita simak bahasan berikut ini :
Resep cara membuat Bakso daging sapi yang enak, lezat dan mantab. Seperti pada umumnya, Bakso sampai saat ini masih menjadi makanan favorite kebanyakan orang di indonesia. Baik perempuan, laki-laki, anak-anak dan orang tua pun masih banyak yang suka dengan yang namanya Bakso, terutama Bakso daging sapi. Rasa daging sapi yang tedapat pada bulatan / pentol bakso memang menjadi ciri khas masakan yang tidak akan bisa dilupakan. Dan bisa saja membuat anda ketagihan alias kecanduan :).

Cara membuat Bakso daging sapi yang enak ternyata juga mudah, bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan pun boleh dibilang cukup sederhana dan mudah di dapatkan. Saya yakin ibu-ibu atau mbak yang dirumah pasti bisa untuk membuat bakso. Yup sekarang saatnya mencoba praktek langsung yah, siapkan bahan-bahan berikut.

The materials to make the meatballs:

1 kg of ground beef
1 oz cornflour
6 cloves of garlic
1 eating spoons of salt
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
flavoring to taste
If the ingredients are ready, now straight into the weave.

How to Make Meatballs:

Puree garlic, mashed or blender please.
Mix the garlic that has been crushed into a paste of ground beef, pepper, salt, flavorings, as well as starch.
Stir and knead the dough until evenly about 10 minutes
Once the dough is well blended into the next form the dots by hand according to the size you want, keep the size is not much too big to be able to mature more evenly and quickly. Well here I am sure you can to make meatballs sphere.
Enter the circle you make meatballs into hot water, then boil in boiling water until cooked. Sign meatballs that have matured are floating on the surface of the boiling water. The boiling process usually takes 10-15 minutes.
Lift the cooked meatballs and drain at room temperature.

Well now sphere or bulb meatballs meatballs are finished, simply make the gravy. How to make a delicious meatball sauce? The following recipe and how.

Materials for soup meatballs:
cow bone
Meatball salad dressing:
5 cloves garlic, fried and mashed
Red onion 4 cloves, fried and mashed
Fried onions 1/2 tablespoons, crushed
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
pepper 1/2 tsp
4 sticks leeks, white part, thinly sliced
instant beef broth, 2 tsp

How to make Gravy Meatballs:

Boil the water with the bone and all the marinade to a boil and bones become mature.
If it is cooked, reduce the heat and then you are able to serve the meatballs with the sauce.
To serve, can be added as a complement to the fried onions, tofu, celery, sauce, ketchup, etc. so that more pronounced delicious

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